The Art of Ageing is a public engagement programme that gives older people a voice to express their opinions and experiences about ageing. It promotes innovation and ideas towards well-being in older age, and aims to combat ageism. These aims align with those of the WHO Healthy Ageing 2021-30 strategy.
Our work is being conducted in Zimbabwe and The Gambia, two study sites with challenged healthcare infrastructure.
We will co-produce a film on ‘Ageing well’, scripting four personal stories from snippets of real-life stories gathered through community workshops, structured around key health themes.
We will run National ‘Art of Ageing’ Competitions that will solicit entries in art, photography, music, dance, poetry, prose, spoken word and mixed media (eg sculpture and fashion design) from those aged 60 years and above in Zimbabwe and The Gambia.
Using stories and images from these two activities, we will co-design a ‘Story of Ageing’ brochure to encapsulate the health and well-being agendas of ageing in sub-Saharan Africa.
The project will be delivered in partnership with local community-based organisations (CBOs) and other key stakeholders. Our team combines expertise in research in older people, film and media production, public engagement, and process evaluation. The project will be evaluated, and lessons learned will be shared with stakeholders through a variety of channels. The project will provide a voice to older people who are often deprioritised by current healthcare delivery models.